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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  August 2, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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>> yeah, we've got pride back in the country, which is great. some big stories developing tonight. one i'm very interested to get your take on, which is the badminton farce. i heard that four got eliminated, saying this is completely unacceptable. what i was pleased about was the chinese reaction. pretty swift to condemn it and say, this isn't part of the olympics. >> it was a good reaction. it was the right reaction. and of course, in fairness, it's from a country that's already staged an olympic game. so maybe once you've staged a games, your whole history changes. your city changes, you look at the world in a different way. and i was really, like you, i was really pleased with the swift response that it was unacceptable. >> it was one of the worst things i've ever watched. >> the sadness of it was, i was in that venue yesterday afternoon, watching three really nail-biting, competitive matches. it was only when i got out of the venue and sort of was driving on to my next -- the next job, that somebody told me what it was -- and yeah, it was depressing. >> if you had been there when it was happening and you saw team
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after team doing the same thing, do you have any power to actually do something? >> no, not as an organizing committee. that power is vested entirely with the international federation, the international federation hit it hard this morning. they got rid of the eight players. and i think the international olympic committee were watching or would have watched very closely. the international federation made exactly the right call on it. >> one of the other big stories super swimmer. interesting what you said about china having now staged the beijing olympics, maybe changed their own thinking about these things, the credibility factor being much more important. >> i'm always loathe to suddenly look askance and suspiciously at an extraordinary performance in sport. you know, as a teenager, i took four seconds off my 100-meter time in one race. what people tend to forget, of course, even at the age of 19, i'd been doing that for the best
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part of seven or eight years. so we tend to, you know, the sadness of it is, of course, in a way, we're almost visiting the sins of the parents on the children. i think that in terms of the global approach to drugs in sport, we're in a much more grown-up world. people are prepared to talk about it. there's no -- you know, there's no ambiguity about what the rules are. and i felt actually sorry for this girl, because that was an extraordinary performance. it's not unusual for teenagers to perform at an extraordinarily high level. >> on the subject of drugs, generally, do you feel comfortable that somebody like duane chambers is going to running for team g.b., given that he was a drugs offender. what is your view on this? >> i'm reconstructed on this subject. my first contribution to this debate was back in 1981 at the ioc's congress in germany. he was the first athlete to actually speak, and i had four minutes to talk. i spoke 2 1/2 minutes about the real problems of drugs in sport. i won't ever change my view on
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that. the difficulty, of course, is that, you know, that these athletes are eligible to come back to the sport after a two-year ban. >> should they be? >> personally, no. but do i think a two-year ban is not long enough? yeah, i don't. i think we should -- we made a mistake of moving from four to two years. we should have left it at four years. and actually this dug would have been academic, because off four-year ban, by implication, you miss the games. >> but i kind of think the only way you'll really eradicate it is to be incredibly draconian. to say, if you get caught, you're banned for life from the olympics. wouldn't that -- wouldn't that in one hit do more effective work with this than what is going on at the moment? >> yes, you're right, but of course the problem you then have are the legion of lawyers that will fight it on all sorts of grounds. and that's why the international federations, the international olympic committee, the world anti-doping agency have settled on a ban that gives nominally
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those competitors a second chance, so that you don't close the door if they're prepared to come back and be clean and maybe go out into the sporting community and talk to kids about the dangers of sport. they only tend to do that after they've been caught, of course. but the reality of it is, you're then tied up into legalize, and i don't think a lifetime ban would stick. >> let's talk about michael phelps. he smashed the record last night, in dramatic style, as the biggest medal winner in the history of the olympic games, sparking the obvious debate, is he the greatest olympian ever? is he? >> the lovely thing about the games in the uk is we've had the big -- we've had the national pug game, is david beckham going to be on the team, who's going to light the flame, the usual stuff that has been the stuff of the tap rooms most nights a week. now you've got the global pub game, is he the greatest? >> who do you think is? >> you have to say, winning 19
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medals or whatever he managed last night, it makes him certainly the most successful and prolific medal winner. is he the greatest? i'm not sure. >> i've got carl lewis coming in tonight, he's got someone who won nine golds, but in a variety of different disciplines. many say that's more difficult in the athletics track and field than the swimming. would you go along with that? >> well, yeah, i'm from track and field, i would say statistically, it's tougher to win a medal in track and field than almost any other sport, because there are 220 sports competing at it, and it's one of the truly global sports. that's not to decry swimming as one of the real tough sports. >> to pin you down and say, right, lord coe, you can have one name of one olympian that you personally would want to say again, who would it be? >> well, modesty probably prohibits me -- [ laughs ] i don't know, for all sorts of reasons and given what he did and where he did it and the extraordinary athletic talent, i would probably, if you really pin me, i would say jesse owens.
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>> would you? yeah, that's a good call. very good call. >> 1936. >> i will make my first comments to carl lewis, lord coe says jesse owens is better than you. >> maybe carl lewis wouldn't disagree with that, because i know that carl had a massive regard for jesse. >> one final thing, the opening ceremony, i was a bit surprised with steve ovet, your great rival, wasn't invited. >> he was. >> he wrote a piece saying he hadn't been invited. >> he was. and we were actually trying to get him to run in the torch relay. the problem is, he didn't actually arrive in london until literally -- >> so he was invited? >> yeah, all our olympic medalists were invited to take part in the -- >> so he was snuffing you out. >> no, all our olympic medalists, as i think, about 180 of them, gathered on the infield to be celebrated, just before the caldron was lit, were invited, so i know steve was invited. >> well, it's been a fantastic success, lord coe. on behalf of everyone in britain, we are very proud of
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what you've achieved with olympics, and thank you, because you've really put us back on the global map in a great way. >> i'm very proud of what all my fellow countrymen have achieved alongside us. >> well, it takes leadership and you've showed it in spades. >> thank you very much. >> thanks, piers. the whole world has been talking about the 16-year-old olympic swimmer, but what's her own country think about it? with me is jaime cruz. what's the reaction in china on the ground to what's going on here? is there a feeling that if she were an american or british swimmer, we wouldn't even be debating it? >> well, the chinese are cheering and celebrating ye shiw shiwen's success. in fact, in the wednesday's edition of the beijing times, they have her on the cover and the headline reads, "ye shiwen is clean." and they say she passed the strict drug tests of the ioc in london. so, yes, the chinese feel they
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are being unfairly singled out. they feel that if had it been like a, you know, a michael phelps or another swimming sensation, we wouldn't be talking about it. it would have been a fabulous news and yet, in this case, it's cheating. >> i mean, i think i was encouraged, and i said this to other guests tonight, about the reaction of the chinese over here in london to the other scandal involving the badminton teams, one of whom was the china team, are they deliberately lost to avoid meeting some of their rivals in later stages. but the chinese were very quick to come down on this thing. it wasn't in the olympic spirit and endorsing the decision to suspend and throw them out of the games. how has that gone down in china? is it being seen as a sign that china really has changed? that they are now prepared to play by the rules of the olympic games? >> reporter: yes, it is one of the top-trending topics,
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especially in the microblogging sites here. and indeed, most of the people who are posting were supportive of china's quick response. they think that that is in the spirit of the olympics, of fair play, but there are some who also are conflicted and who think that the chinese athletes are not to blame, the chinese coaches are not to blame, nor the other athletes of the other teams. they say that it is the system of this group system that forces these people to play this tactic. so it's a question of whether it's good tactics or cheating, but overall, i think the chinese here are saying that first, gold is not the most important. it's not the ultimate thing, that participation is more important, and that fair play, in this case, is just as important. >> yeah, and they're quite right, because it's not tactics, it's just plain cheating. when you play to lose to avoid a
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stronger opponent, it is cheating. anyway, jaime florcruz, thank you very much for joining me, i appreciate it. coming up next, olympic legend gregg ugaines and why the gold winning diver stayed away from the game for 16 years. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow
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a master dive for the master himself, greg louganis. no olympic athlete has a story quite like the four-time gold medal winner. greg, nice to meet you. >> great to meet you. >> and you haven't been to a summer olympics for 16 years. why's that? >> i know, well, i wasn't invited. i was kind of thinking, my name's greek and i was raised greek, so i was thinking athens would be it, but i forgot. that was the year that i lost my mom. so i was a little preoccupied, i think. >> let's turn to the swimming. it's been an extraordinary, exhilarating week in the pool. everyone assumed michael phelps may be on the rampage again, he hasn't been, but he has broken
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the all-time medal winning record. ryan lochte, obviously, emerging, but again, there's a third character we weren't expecting wit ing expecting, the frenchman. what do you make of it? how exciting has this been for you? >> well, i love to see incredible performances, and that's what you get at the olympic games. everybody knows who the top athletes are. you know who your competition is. you know, it's whoever puts it together on that day. >> when you go back to your extraordinary story, and it is an extraordinary story, this great secret that you kept, the drama of when you smashed your head, i remember it vividly, what do you make of where you've got to now? are you in a good place now? have you come through all the traumas and dramas of what went on? >> yeah, definitely. back in 1998, when i was diagnosed with hiv, we thought of hiv as a death sentence. so my doctor, who was also my cousin, he was treating me and he said, the best thing you can do is continue training. and so, it was much more
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positive to focus on the diving. so that's what i did. and it was really a blessing. but, honestly, i didn't think that i would see 30. you know, because that's -- >> i think of magic johnson, and now you, both of whom have had hiv for 20 years. the mere fact that both of you look so fit and healthy and well and happy is all you need to see, isn't it? it's such a radical change now in public opinion about hiv, precisely because of people like you, i imagine. >> well, it's a double-edged sword. because now young kids are seeing us and they're saying, well, they're alive, thriving, and all that. but i wouldn't wish my drug regimen on anyone. i mean, the things that i've been through are pretty devastating. >> even now, do you still have to take a huge amount of pills a day? >> it's not quite as many. they've combined a lot of the medications, you know, for the cocktails and all. i take my meds in the morning and the evening, and go about the business of livine living, know, but when you're magic johnson you have your own chef and nutritionist, you have all
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these people looking after you. i don't have that. but i'm working on it. no. but, you know, it's challenging. you know, making sure that you're taking care of yourself. the one thing that i have noticed with long-term survivors is they do stay active. you know, they go to the gym, they live active lifestyles, you know? and i think that that's the one thing that kind of helps us metabolize the medications and tolerate the medications. >> what do you make of this whole chick-fil-a furor? because apparently mike huckabee has come out today, ordering christians to go and eat at chick-fil-a to make a statement after the boss man came out with his comment about gay marriage, and conversely, the same-sex marriage lobby group are ordering every gay person in the world to converge on chick-fil-a on friday. >> yeah, yeah. >> is it all getting a bit silly? do you have a view? were you angered when the chick-fil-a boss said what he said? >> well, you know, i'm not real political, you know, but i know
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what's right. you know, what's right for me. and you know, equal rights for everybody. the chick-fil-a -- who eats that stuff? you know? really, who eats that stuff? i mean, i kind of like my arteries, you know? i like the blood flowing. >> you shouldn't be going to chick-fil-a on health grounds, never mind the views about same-sex marriage, right? >> yeah, exactly. exactly. >> let's turn to the chinese wonder swimmer. i've been asking everyone about this, because she's been one of the big stories of the games and the whole issue of china, of drugs, and cheating. we saw the badminton thing. where are you on all this? >> you know, i am so thankful that i was in a sport that, we didn't have that, really, as an issue. you know, you don't want a 200, 300-pound diver, you know, so, you know, fortunately, i didn't have those issues. it's sad that that's an issue, you know, that it becomes about the science rather than the performance and the individual. >> what was the greatest -- we know the worst dive you ever did, because it's the most
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famous dive in history, but what was the greatest dive of your life? when you look back. >> you know, the greatest dive i ever did in my entire life was the dive after that dive. >> right. >> because -- i mean, i wrote about it. i wrote a blog, the toughest sissy in the world, you know? in that moment in time, i became the toughest sissy in the world. and i thank all the people who bullied me and who, you know, were really hard on me, beat me up at the bus stop and took my lunch money, because if it weren't for those experiences, i wouldn't have been as tough as i was, to be able to get through that. >> when you went back and dived again, and you came back up, and your head bounced up through the water, what was going through your mind? >> you know -- >> the first thing you thought? >> well, going through something like that, okay, i hit my head on the board. you know, your confidence is totally shattered, you know? i'm supposed to be a pretty good
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diver, you're not supposed to do stuff like that. so when my confidence was shattered and i turned to my coach and we decided to continue, he knew that my confidence was gone, and he said, okay, if you don't believe in yourself, believe in me, because i believe in you. and then we'll get through this together. and i mean, that's what we did. i mean, you don't achieve greatness on your own. there's always somebody there, whether it be a coach, my mom was always there. she was kind of a mainstay, my rock, you know? whenever i was in a tough situation, i would always say to myself, no matter what happens, my mother's still going to love me. even if i did a bomb of a dive, she'd be saying, oh, that was a pretty splash! you know? >> greg, it's been a real pleasure to see you. >> great seeing you. >> it wouldn't be the same without you. >> well, thank you. >> great to see you. coming next, i talk to the one and only carl lewis. [ ross ] in the taihang mountains of china, hand-carved on the side of a cliff is the guoliang tunnel.
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former two-time olympian champion --
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>> yeah! >> in lane two -- >> carl lewis is considered one of the greatest olympic athletes of all time, a winner of ten track and field medals, nine of them gold. no surprise that "sports illustrated" called him the olympian of the century and carl joins me live. welcome! >> thank you. >> while you were doing your stuff, i was watching every second of it, along with michael johnson, my era, and you were just one of the most extraordinary athletic characters i have ever seen. >> thank you. >> that's a good way to start the interview. puts you in a good mood. >> we can end it right now. i like that. >> it wasn't just me, after your amazing gold medal run, the ioc called you the sportsman of the century as well in 1999, ands this prompted that debate, post-michael phelps, who is the greatest olympian, and i asked lord coe earlier, and he said if you really pushed it, he would go for jesse owens, and i said, you might be surprised, carl
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might say the same thing. who would your choice? >> i look at it differently. i think people run against who they run against, compete. and we're so often and so quick to say, here's the greatest one of all time, instead of allowing them to define their generation. michael is defining this generation in a way that no one's ever done before. and, you know, i wouldn't say anything. the person that affected me the most, olympian, was without question jesse owens, no doubt about it. but i think we should focus more on who defines a generation and who has the memories of their time. >> the london games have been going pretty well so far. we've got your kind of stuff to come, the athletics, track and field. usain bolt is obviously the big talking point. you and him, peaki ining of you powers, who'd win? >> that's a question people ask me quite a bit. and i say, look, i ran against people in my time, and one thing that they've opinion doing all week, what do you think about the race, what do you think you can do? i refuse to inject myself into
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their race, because it's their time, i'm retired. i ran against the people and beat the people in my generation, jesse did it, everyone did it. do you think that bob hayes or jesse owens wouldn't be right at the top of the thing right now? let's let them define their era. >> did you ever in your era come up against anybody who you though you possibly couldn't beat? >> i looked at it in a different way. i was always competing against perfection. and when you are around from 1980 to '96, i had layers of people. and there were people that came when ben came in and i knew he was on drugs and hibs, this is going to be tough, or leroy brel, and i said, this is going to be tough. so there were times when i said, it was going to be a big challenge. but i wanted to be at a point when, if i thought, hey, it's over, i can't beat people anymore, it's time to move on, and that's where i put myself. >> when you talk about ben nelson, i remember that race and saying, there's no way ben
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johnson could beat carl lewis by that margin, something's not right. and very quickly, we knew what it was. drugs in sport has been a curse now for a very long time. so much so that a young chinese swimmer can't do a great performance without everyone immediately assuming she must be on drugs. you have faces allegations in the past, never proven. what is your view about the whole drug issue and where have we go t to with it? are we any better off today than when ben johnson got caught? >> what's sad about it, it's never going to end. i tell people all the time, i say, look, bernie madoff is in jail because he stole money. that's just the nature of our society. what i'm really excited about now is this passport program, where they're keeping your samples for the future. that's scaring people, that now all of a sudden you have to be accountable for years afterwards. s so i really think that's the most innovative idea they've ever had in order to try to stop the drug problem. >> when you see a british athlete, duane chambers, a sprinter, two-year ban, back he
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comes representing his country again at the olympics. to me, nothing against him personally, i don't want to see the cheats back so soon. in fact, if it was up to me, and lord coe said the same thing, ban them for life, make sure they couldn't compete at the olympics again. make the punishment so severe that it deters them. >> i agree with you, i think it should be at least four years, because you at least miss an olympic cycle, and if it were up to me, i would make it indefinite, just like anyone. why did you get on it? how did you get on it? who helped you? no one can get on drugs and have a program by themselves, it's always a conspiracy. but the problem is, we get an athlete and don't get to the root of the problem. >> of all the great moments you've had, what was the best for you? >> oh, my goodness -- >> what was the favorite for you? >> you can't top los angeles, the first gold medal, and i had this vision -- >> why? >> because it was the first one, and, you know, i crossed a line and i remember taking a lap and i had the american flag, i was in my home country, and i looked up in the stands and my parents were standing the there. there's nothing that'll top
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that. and then, i guess the one that gave me the most fulfillment was the last one, at 35 knowing, i'm not coming back and i did it again and i'm happy to end my career at this stage. >> do you think michael phelps probably knew he wouldn't win seven more golds, that he had in his mind, maybe if i get the three medals, i'll be the all-time record holder and i can come and be part of the olympics again. is there anything quite like the olympics? >> the olympics are unique. and i think michael came in saying, i'm winning all of it. you can't come in saying, maybe this. sports is not like a light switch, you have to have it on all the time. you can't turn it on in the middle. i think he came in, wanting to win them all. and that's why you saw the frustration in him getting that silver. when he got that silver medal before the gold last night, i saw him saying, you've got to be kidding me, i did everything i was supposed to do. but ithe's a great champion. >> he tweeted earlier today that
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the president, barack obama, called him to congratulate him personally. did you ever have that in your time? >> no, i didn't. >> no president rang you? >> no, he didn't call me. it was president reagan when i was won in l.a. and the times were different. what's so great is that we've evolved to this time where that is acceptable. because in our day, we did not have the social media and everything where we could communicate in a way that they do now. and i think it's wonderful that we can do that. >> when you were competing at your very best for america, and ronald reagan was president, did you ever imagine in your lifetime you would have an african-american president? >> no, i didn't. and i can say that, because my parents were good friends with dr. king and my mother knew rosa parks very well and we were involved in that whole environment. so i didn't think so. >> do you think that america is more or less racist since barack obama became president? did it open a can of worms of a lot more racism, do you think? and is it easier or harder to be a black man or woman in america these days? >> well, i don't think we became more racist, but i think people woke up the next day and said,
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wait, wait, wait, what happened? let's go back to the old times. so they're showing it again, in a ways that we did not see five years ago. and it is amazing the discussion that we had about our president, the demeaning characters they have about someone who's the perfect american dream. went here, came from modest means, grew up, went to college, finished, was a leader, have a beautiful wife, wonderful children, and is a leader. that's a perfect american dream. >> finally, all these american athletes competing here for america, for their country. you've been in their shoes, what does it mean, a, to compete for your country, for america, and b, to win? >> to win something that's unimaginable. and people ask me, they say, when you're like athlete of the century, what is it like? you can't even talk about that. i mean, how do you know what that is? how do you feel it? it's just something that i delivered for america, the title of the best olympian of all this time. and i go back to and break it down easy for the relay. when we were in the relay, you
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know, i'll run it all the time in my time and we passed the baton and win the race and cheer. but when you're in the olympics, we're carrying america's baton. it's just a whole another level. >> a pressure that you can't imagine, right? >> exactly. >> you sympathize with them? >> i do, but i love it, and they love it too. >> carl, it's been a real pleasure. >> thank you. >> thank you, carl lewis. coming up, i talk to one of the few people who can contest the fastest man on earth claim, michael johnson. we're here at walmart with anita and her two daughters. is that your phone bill? sure is. let's see if we can go inside and save you some money on your plan. you ready? sounds great! can you tell them about straight talk? sure. with straight talk at walmart you get unlimited talk, text and data for only $45 a month. but do i get the same coverage? oh yeah. it's on america's best networks. sounds great to me. well we saved you a lot of money, and your girls like their new smart phones. i sent you a friend request. [ both ] we know. [ earl ] save money with straight talk wireless.
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as a sprinter, four-time gold medal winner michael johnson was billed as the fastest man on earth. he shattered world records, racing to the olympic record books and michael is here now. welcome! >> thank you. >> so my first and obvious question to you, where are the golden nikes? i loved those boots. >> everybody loved them. the problem with them is they became more famous than me.
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that was the only problem. that was my only mistake. you know, there was a different pair for every race. and so i had eight races during '96, eight races during 2000. i kept the ones i wore in the finals, and there was a different pair for each race. my coach has the left one and i have the right one from each one of those races. all of the other ones we auctioned off for charity and raised a ton of money for some good causes. >> i bet you did. i used to try to run like you, i used to get the piston action, but not the speed. >> that's the hardest part, actually, the piston action. it came natural for me. most people think it's something that i tried to do. >> i wondered that. >> it's the way i always ran since i was a kid, all the other kids made fun of me and said i ran funny, and i said, well, you run slow. i did get a lot of criticism for the style early on in my professional career, and my coach and i, we had a lot of studies done and found at the end of the day, it was actually a lot more efficient.
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then we started to do things and incorporate things in the training program to enhance that style. >> we've got the big sprinting to come, usain bolt, another hero of mine, the chicken nugget-eating, arrow-flying jamaican. are you a fan of his style? >> i'm a fan of his speed. his style, it's not that great, actually, which is amazing, because biomechanically, he's not as good as some of the other guys like the american record holder, tyson gay, which are very efficient, very good sprinters technically. bolt is not good as they were technically, because if he were, manage what he could run. he can run faster than his 9.58. >> do you think he's like a thorou thoroughbred racehorse? >> he's had some injuries, but people are going to say, ithe's going to lose and it's going to be his countryman, johan blake. he ran 9.58 to win the whororld
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championships, so he's almost 0.2 faster than anyone else on the field. i think he'll be fine. >> let's turn to the raging controversies, most of them involving china at this moment. this young 16-year-old wonder kid swimmer, ye shiwen. you feel quite strongly she should be innocent until proven guilty and we should celebrate her talent for what it is. >> anyone should, you know? but look, we have to understand that that's where we are with sport now. and that's the damage that's done to sport when people cheat. it then makes everyone not believe what they see. and that's unfortunate, but that's where we are, and we have to understand that. it's unfortunate for her that she has turned in these incredible performances, and instead of being asked about, you know, how great she feels about it, she's being asked basically whether or not she cheated to get there. and that's unfortunate. look, you know, china has invested a massive amount of money into sports.
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i mean, in my sports performance company, they're one of our biggest clients. they are searching around the world for people to help them develop their talent. they've got 1.2 billion people there, the talent's there. so they're doing a great job in developing their sports and their athletes. but as far as she's concerned, she's probably just one of them. i mean, and the only thing we can do is, you know, trust in the system. the system di-- i mean, the sysm tests the athletes. they're turning it around here in 24 hours. she hasn't been found to be positive, so we have to assume that she's -- that it's a negative test, then. and you know, it's an incredible performance. no doubt about it. but bolt has had incredible performances. phelps has had incredible performances. i have. what's too incredible? are you going to say she's too incredible? where do you draw that line? you can't. >> i was encouraged by chian's reaction today to the badminton furor, where they've all been slung out for deliberately losing. one of the worst things i've
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ever seen in the olympics, shameful behavior, and i blame the coach mainly, but you have to blame the athletes for doing it. but china has been quick to say, no, the coach was wrong, we agree with this decision. i thought that was terrific. that was a real sea change in attitude from the chinese. >> i agree. i think the badminton federation will have to come in and change their rule, because when you have sport, people will have to do whatever they can to get to -- they're going to do it. they're going to do it. >>i iv've heard this. >> you can't rely on the athletes to govern themselves. >> then they shouldn't be in the olympic games. the idea that you can't have a group -- a group system, because too many people will cheat. >> i know, i know. >> it's disgusting! >> it's just like society. you have to have rules in society, because people will try to cheat. they're going to do it. >> i say send them home, ban them for life. that will stop the others. >> yeah. maybe you should be the ioc chair. >> i would be ruthless. i would send them home and pan them for life. >> you've got a point. people are disappointing -- people were booing them in the crowds, because they're disappointed. you come here, you want to see the best athletes at their best,
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and that's by and large what you do get at the olympics and what makes the olympics so great. >> the one bone i've got to pick with you, oscar pistorius, the south african who runs on these prosthetics, you're not a fan of this? >> he's a friend of mine. >> you think it gives him an advantage? >> you have to listen to the scientists and some scientists say they feel like it gives him an advantage. some scientists say they don't know. let's take oscar out of it, because oscar's a friend of mine, in order to be totally objective about the situation, at the end of the day, it's not about oscar, it's about fair competition, and when you're talking about fair competition, you have to take personalities and people out of it and just look at the rules, and if an athlete gets an advantage over another athlete, it's unfair. it's difficult for anyone to understand this, when you're talking about oscar, who is such a hero and such an inspiration to so many people. i'm a fan of oscar's and i consider oscar a friend. so since he's here and he's going to be running in that
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stadium here in the next few days, i'm going to be out there cheering for him, hoping that he gets all the way through to the finals. it's unfortunate he's not running as fast as this year as he did last year. >> i think a guy who can run with the best of them with prosthetic legs? >> what if he can run faster with the prosthetic legs? >> i think he probably deserves that advantage. >> reason why you're saying that is because you feel like, well, he's probably not going to get a medal, so go ahead and let him run. >> do you think he might? >> no, he's not going to get a medal. >> so won't it be an amazing moment? >> it will be. but the thing is, then when you get an athlete who's faster, are you going to say, we know we let oscar run, but we're not going to let you run because you're too fast. >> it's an ethical dilemma. where are you looking for big american achievement before the end of the games? >> you know, the sprints are typically where we've always
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dominated. the jamaicans have killed the last olympics and the sprints in the last few championships, but on the women's side, i believe that we're going to have some great performances. i think that allisyson felix wi run fantastic in the 200 and i think she can win it finally after being silver the last two times. i think sonia richards will run the 400 meter. and i think carmelita and shelly ann frazier, the defending olympic gold medalist. but ashton eaton, a decathlete. >> michael, a pleasure to meet you. really has. >> appreciate it. >> you still running? >> i wouldn't call it running. >> you're down to my level, eh? michael johnson. coming up, olga corbitt and the sport that she revolutionized. [ male announcer ] this is sheldon, whose long dy setting up the news
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welcome back to london. gold medal gymist, olga korbut, set the standard for her sport. she's considered the mother of gymnastics. welcome. the mother of gymnastics. >> thank you very much. >> you were like the darling of those olympics. i remember, i was only 7, but a vivid, vivid memory of you falling, everyone heartbroken, and up you came again, and you won all these golds. everyone loved olga korbut. how do you feel about that? >> i feel good. >> when you walk around here, do you get a good reaction, when people realize it's you? >> yeah. i don't know why they're shaken when they see me, i was in the stadium yesterday, when women team, and i wanted to jump from my chair and go to the -- and do some, some routine. >> did you really? >> yeah. >> it brought it all back to
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you? >> i felt like i was 17 again. this atmosphere, this announcing, this public, this is clapping, this has brought me all my memories back. >> when you see the american gymnasts, the young girl, they're amazing, aly raisman and the others, they're amazing. starry eyes, all the magic, looking forward to these exciting amazing games. what's the reality? when, as you did, became hugely famous almost overnight from one olympic games, what was your life like after that? was it all easy? >> no, it's not easy. first of all, when you finish, you don't know where you're going. you don't prepare. but with gymnastic, i did a horse riding. >> really, you just gave it all up and went and rode horses? >> yeah, two years. >> and then 20 years ago, you moved to america, to arizona, and you did that because of the chernobyl disaster. tell me about that. >> i traveled a lot, back and
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forth, back and forth, and i had my son, and he needs mother. and i get him here, i put to the russian family, and i travel, i didn't see him, and i found a job and, this is how it is. i didn't mean to move, but i fell in love with people and i left. >> finally, olga, of all the great moments you had, what was the greatest for you, personally? >> great moment. >> what's the one if i could relive it for you now, which one would you choose? >> i don't know. >> the first gold? is that always the best? >> oh, no. i never competed for the gold or silver, i competed for public. maybe why they fell in love with me. i always smile from heart. i give them piece of mine.
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>> you did. i remember that smile. it hasn't changed. >> oh, thank you! >> it's been lovely to meet you. enjoy the rest of the games. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. >> olga korbut. we'll be right back from london. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about that 401(k) you picked up back in the '80s. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like a lot of things, the market has changed, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and your plans probably have too. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we'll give you personalized recommendations tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on how to reinvest that old 401(k). tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and bring your old 401(k) into the 21st century. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 rollover your 401(k) or ira and receive up to $600. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see for terms and conditions.
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finally tonight, only the olympics, meet the guy who is literally stealing the show here in london if you're british. bradley wiggins looks like the ultimate hipster. all that's missing is an ironic t-shirt, maybe a brooklyn-bound schwinn bike. he's our michael phelps. he also just won the tour de france. but surely bradley wiggins has served his greatest achievement for last, which is that he single handedly brought back an extraordinary phenomenon from the '70s, the sideburn. wiggo, i salute you. anderson cooper starts now.
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we begin tonight with breaking news in the colorado tragedy that raises some very troubling questions. was somebody in a position to sound a clear warning about the alleged shooter? somebody with both the expertise and the duty to see trouble coming? did that somebody drop the ball? 12 people, we know, died in the shooting at the century 16 theater in colorado, dozens more were wounded. the question is, could all of that have been prevented? we have very big questions tonight, new evidence tonight. john fruzya joins us now with the latest. john, give us a timeline here. you've learned some information about the alleged shooter, and concerns his psychiatrist actually had about him. >> well, anderson, in the first ten days of june, a number of things were going on. i'll give you a timeline here to kind of set the scene. on june 7th, the suspect in these shootings was to take an oral exam. he's in the ph.d program, the neuroscience program at the university of colorado.
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he took this oral exam, was a preliminary oral exam and didn't do well on it at all. secondly, he had to find a mentor to continue in this neuroscience program. we're told it's unclear if he could find a mentor. on the 7th, june 7th, the same day he basically failed that test, he went out in the afternoon and bought an ar-15 assault rifle. it was in that afternoon that we know -- or around that period, he was certainly talking to his psychiatri psychiatrist, who was dr. lynn fenton. now, we don't know what those conversations were, but we know during that period, which seemed to be a very high-stress period for him, something that he said to his psychiatrist caused her to contact the university of colorado threat assessment team. now, that threat assessment team was formed in part with her help, and she's on that team. so she's a member, she helped form the team. she contacted several of her colleagues on that team. we don't know what she told them, we don't know what triggered her to callth